Amplifying And Redefining The Way Luxury Is Experienced
Today, we begin our series of articles dedicated to the emotion and engagement that soundscapes bring to travel and luxury brands. Throughout the series, we’ll discuss how sonic branding elevates the customer experience and takes premium to the next level.
For the first in our series, we invite you to imagine riding in the lap of luxury on the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express (VSOE) across the European countryside. With jaw-dropping views and train cars over a century old, an amazing adventure is guaranteed. This once-in-a-lifetime train ride is premium in every way possible.
“The VSOE enchants the senses with its deep understanding of brand identity.”

The Orient Express
The Orient Express embarked on its maiden voyage on June 5th, 1883 from Paris to Vienna. It personified class and prestige and was even featured as the main character in Agatha Christie’s book “The Orient Express” in 1934.
However, by 1977, traveling by plane had become more popular. The Belmond Group reimagined luxury train travel with the launch of the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express in 1982. The train was designed to rejuvenate the Orient Express’ image and attract a younger audience beyond the traditional British clientele. The intention was to be powerful, genuine, awe-inspiring, and memorable.
“It wasn’t just about the look of the train. The journey needed to be sensorial.”
Perpetuating the Legendary Art of Travel
Attention to detail on this train is an understatement. Every piece of wood is polished to perfection. The ornate decorations are carved lovingly by hand on every wall and ceiling. The seats are plush and perfect for viewing the countryside as it rolls by. The food is meticulously prepared and served to accentuate the landscape outside and inside the railcars.
The ambiance of the train encourages travelers to slow down and experience the journey rather than focusing on the destination. This experience is sensorial. It involves the eyes, the nose, the hands, the mouth, and the ears.
Keeping the Legacy Alive Through Sound
In 2022, Sixième Son went about completing the luxury experience with corresponding music. The Belmond Group wanted to move beyond the classical repertoire to best elevate the modern traveler’s experience. They wanted to create a more “contemporary nostalgia” to inspire a younger and more diverse demographic.

But how do you make a classic more modern?
We curated music playlists and soundscapes for the guests while welcomed onboard. These playlists continued as the guests walked the hallways of each train car. It complemented the brunches, dinners, and other general happenings during the stay. We paid extra attention to detail by including music from local artists of the countries the train would visit and different playlists depending on the season.
The playlists were global and included varied periods, genres, languages, and instrumentations. Through music, the VSOE could celebrate all cultures and influences; European or not.
This is the beauty and wonder of music. It has the ability to layer the known and new together into a tapestry of colorful sounds. We didn’t want to lose the rich history of the Venice Simplon-Orient Express. However, we wanted to find those glittering musical textures that were already a part of the experience and bring them forward.
“Blending something tried and true with something different is where legacy grows new branches.”
Blending the traditional and the modern creates a bold sensation that is hard to forget. These bold sensations last a lifetime and rejuvenate the iconic beauty of the Venice Simplon-Orient-Express.
“The highest levels of luxury standards come from the most unique “physical” brand experiences.”
Music and sound create the conditions that result in an incomparable experience. When it comes to travel and luxury, there is so much that sound can add and accentuate and we’ve hardly scratched the surface.
Author: Valentin FLEUR
Managing Director, Canada / Head of Strategy