Music is a conversation that begs to be sung, hummed, whistled, drummed, clapped, snapped, or spoken. When tied to a brand, this conversation is transformed into a musical meme; repeated, shared, and adapted by each listener.
People often call it a jingle, but it’s much more than that. We call it a sonic logo and a sonic logo verbalizes support and enthusiasm uniquely and emotionally. Over time, it becomes memorable, relatable, deeply personal and iconic to a demographic and whole generation.
Sonic logos are the pan ultimate. It is a strategic musical meme that brings a brand into cultural relevance.
A sonic logo imprints so profoundly on the subconscious that the actual melody is no longer necessary. At the mere mention of a memorable cue, that melody instantly comes front of mind without a single note being played. “Like a Good Neighbor”, “Have It Your Way”, “They’re Great!” and “Snap, Crackle, Pop” to name a few. As the melody has already been memorized, the mind will provide the missing music.
Some situations are even more Pavlovian. The phrase, “Yo Quiero Taco Bell”, elicits a gong sound in our minds. However, the “gong” sound and the chihuahua were never part of the same campaign.
Music is social commentary from generation to generation.
Here are just a few industries and brands where sonic logos transform from catchy to culturally relevant – shaping a global identity.
Music And Sports
Nowhere is musical influence more apparent than within sports: the anthemic music, the lively crowd noises, and the equipment sounds. Sound and music are everywhere.
Purposeful sound, such as a sonic logo, in team sports creates an opportunity to reach and connect with that vast audience, bonding team and fan together for decades. The feat of this is truly amazing.
Take La Liga, for example. The music doesn’t just represent the Spanish Soccer League; it represents the essence of Spain. Its sonic logo is synonymous with what Spaniards would agree is a great soccer night. Blending Spanish music with modern electronics, LaLiga’s sonic logo tells the story of rich cultural heritage behind a modern-sounding Spain. It reaffirms that the League is just as good, if not better than the English Premier League and other competitors.
Sound’s influence in sports transfers on and off the field seamlessly. With a proper sound strategy, that same energy and influence felt in the bleachers can also be felt on one’s couch.
Ba Da Ba Ba Bah
Probably one of the most iconic modern sonic logos is the catchy ‘Ba Da Ba Ba Bah’ that has bookended almost every McDonald’s commercial for the past 20+ years.
I’m Lovin’ It launched in 2003. The company took great pains to synchronize global marketing campaigns around the central jingle, building brand recognition and synchronizing messaging everywhere. The logo was so versatile that they have been able to re-invent it over the years to apply to different moods, messaging, locations, and demographics. They’ve alternated singers and even the form that it is presented. Sometimes it’s sung, sometimes it’s whistled, or hummed. Sometimes, the notes are simply played with no lyrics to interfere.
If ever there was a more versatile and widespread musical meme, McDonald’s would be it.
Music And Beauty
The “Maybe It’s Maybelline” jingle is wildly effective at driving the purchase process forward.
Music And Travel
Cathay Pacific, an international brand with local pride, bridged the gap between its roots and global presence. Just as the founding city of Hong Kong is very eclectic and diverse, so too is the sonic logo of Cathay. It demonstrates the combined love and appreciation for travel, adventure, and hospitality while also creating global connectivity and collaboration. The sonic logo is an actual invitation to a unique sonic journey.
The project also tied the beloved Asian Youth Orchestra to its international mission. The Hong Kong orchestra became part of the story as it was privileged to be the recorded voice of the brand’s sonic logo.
Brands can achieve pop culture relevance by becoming a part of the social commentary. Like a visual meme, sonic logos are synonymous with cultural events. They tell sound stories of a time and place and are an integral part of historical significance. The musical meme is just one more opportunity for us to share our world with one another in a quick, fun, and efficient way.
A meme from a loyal customer is far more powerful than a paid effort.
Author: Sixième Son