Paris Airports

Offering music that’s adapted to certain areas of the terminals gives pleasure to our customers without creating sound pollution or intrusion. The choices are diverse but consistent with both our musical identity and with our positioning as the gateway to Paris and France. This is an innovative approach that will continue and grow.

Renaud Boidin, Customer Innovation Manager

An Audio DNA that makes a stronger brand

A radiant human dimension


Faced with ever-increasing competition, Paris Aéroport needs to stay one step ahead and communicate effectively.

The Paris Aéroport sound identity was created on the occasion of a major rebranding in 2016. The challenge was immense: to convey the Parisian dream through music and sound, while welcoming travelers from all over the world. In 2022, the new communications charter gives pride of place and time.

As part of their Paris Airports brand identity overhaul, the brand turned to Sixième Son to help influence the perception of travelers and improve their experience through sound and music.

Sonic identity

A sonic identity rich in emotion, telling the story of luxury, magic and fairytale Paris with personality and creativity.

The sound identity was revamped in 2022: the fundamental elements remained unchanged, but the new look was more modern, clearer and punchier. Work on the voices made them more human, more contemporary and also brought clarity.


The sound identity takes up the challenge of creativity but also functionality, providing a landmark in airport terminals and parking lots, as well as framing messages for telephony, multimedia and events.

It’s a landmark for everyday or occasional travelers, an invitation to travel. It can be found in many films that feature scenes set in Paris airports, and comments on social networks are raving about this sound identity and the memories it conveys.



Renaud Boidin – Customer Innovation Manager


Michael Boumendil – President & Chief Creative Director
Laurent CochiniManaging Director
Colleen Fahey – Managing Director
Daina Todorovic – Director of Client Services
Julien Goris, Vincent TurbéArt Directors
Eric Caissy, Marion Combes, Ianis Mauraisin, Romain Debrie, Pierre MoreauDesigners