Genelec X Sixième Son: A melodious collab’


Collab’ Summary

Genelec and Sixième Son partnered to create an iconic Sonic Identity for the brand. The result is a unique, pure and innovative piece with strong finnish roots. Our creation is featured on the company’s commercials, billboards, and digital content.

In mid-September, this collab’ was awarded the gold medal of the Stratégies Design Awards in the Sonic Identity Category. It was a great occasion to meet up and to celebrate our work together.

Interview with Mari Primetta, Genelec Marketing & Communications Manager

To exchange further on this inspiring collab’, we decided to conduct an interview with the great Mari Primetta, our main collaborator at Genelec.

How did the idea of creating a tailor made sonic ID for Genelec come to your mind?

We are a company that manufactures speakers for professional use, so sound is an essential and natural part of the brand for us. This project has taken several years and when we finally found the right partner to create our audio brand, everything started to move forward smoothly and naturally.

What makes this sonic identity so true to the brand and aligned with Genelec needs?

We have thought about everything very carefully, starting from the company’s identity, values, and strategy. What we are, what we want to communicate with our sonic ID and what kind of sound experience we want to take the listener to, what emotions it evokes and what kind of story it tells about our brand.

What interesting feedback did you get when you revealed the sonic ID?

When we presented the sonic ID inside the company, it was well received and everyone felt it was telling our story. It also felt incredible to hear from people outside the company what thoughts and feelings our audio brand evokes in them, as they seemed to experience and find exactly the elements we wanted to convey and the story we wanted to tell.

How is the sonic ID used in your communications? 

We have wanted to use the sonic ID everywhere possible right from the start. We are also happy to see that it has already become a strong and natural part of our audio communication and an integral part of our brand.

What did you like most in working with Sixième Son? Any particular anecdote to tell?

We feel we have a strong connection with Sixième Son’s teams and are confident that we have found the best possible partner to create our sonic branding with. We believe that one of the secrets of our successful collaboration is that Sixième Son teams have used Genelec professional loudspeakers as a trusted tool in their work for several years. Our brand and our values were already familiar to them through their own user experiences. They are a highly professional, creative team with a passion for sound, just like us.

We are looking forward to the next step. Would you agree to tell us more about the great project our teams are working on?

We are excited to announce our collaboration will not end here. We are preparing great projects with Sixième Son that we can’t wait to show. Rumour has it there will be dancing, speakers… and music, of course!